LUMIDIET - Taille M- Couleur noire

Ref. 40005446
183,24 C$
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LumiDiet est un dispositif portatif qui vous aide à brûler des graisses plus rapidement en combinant la luminothérapie LED et une vibration à faible intensité

  • La Lumière pénètre jusqu’aux couches les plus profondes et permet d’éliminer les graisses grâce à la chaleur.
  • La vibration stimule la circulation et le flux sanguin des zones traitées, permettant ainsi de diminuer la cellulite et d’améliorer l’aspect peu d’orange.

La ceinture s’attache de manière facile et confortable, il suffit d’ouvrir les deux extrémités et d’attacher à votre ceinture. Vous pouvez l’utiliser tout en marchant ou en pratiquant toute autre activité de plein air. Il est recommandé de faire 1 à 2 séances par jour pendant 30 minutes.


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Devolución en tienda

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum, ipsum sodales luctus tincidunt, est arcu aliquet metus, vel tempor ante orci ac libero. Nam euismod a enim at accumsan. Aliquam finibus auctor ex sit amet luctus. Aliquam blandit malesuada iaculis. Quisque porttitor erat quis libero tincidunt pharetra. Curabitur eget accumsan sapien. Vestibulum vel nunc rhoncus, molestie mauris et, consectetur diam. Praesent fringilla diam nulla, at scelerisque lorem consequat ut.

Devolución a domicilio

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum, ipsum sodales luctus tincidunt, est arcu aliquet metus, vel tempor ante orci ac libero. Nam euismod a enim at accumsan. Aliquam finibus auctor ex sit amet luctus. Aliquam blandit malesuada iaculis. Quisque porttitor erat quis libero tincidunt pharetra. Curabitur eget accumsan sapien. Vestibulum vel nunc rhoncus, molestie mauris et, consectetur diam. Praesent fringilla diam nulla, at scelerisque lorem consequat ut.

Devolución en delegación de transporte

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum, ipsum sodales luctus tincidunt, est arcu aliquet metus, vel tempor ante orci ac libero. Nam euismod a enim at accumsan. Aliquam finibus auctor ex sit amet luctus. Aliquam blandit malesuada iaculis. Quisque porttitor erat quis libero tincidunt pharetra. Curabitur eget accumsan sapien. Vestibulum vel nunc rhoncus, molestie mauris et, consectetur diam. Praesent fringilla diam nulla, at scelerisque lorem consequat ut.

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The combination of LED light therapy technology and vibration helps your body to burn the fat more easily and faster: Melting down the fat by LED light first and helps to burn of the fat by vibration later.

It is resistant to dust and sweat because LED pad contains projecting LED lamps.

What is Light Therapy?

Light therapy(Phototherapy) is a way of treating diseases and helping body contouring/fat reduction by exposing our body to sunlight or an artificial light source with a specific wavelength and intensity. Artificial light sources such as halogen lamps and fluorescent lamps have mostly been used for light therapy. Fluorescent lamps, gas discharge lamps, or halogen lamps, for example, could be used in the treatment of jaundice of infants as long as they could meet the irradiance, wavelengths, and effective surface area required by the light-therapy equipment. However, the excessive heat from halogen lamps and the long and large size of fluorescent lamps restricted the personal or home use of light therapy equipment.

The use of low-level visible or near-infrared (IR) light from lasers for light therapy, which is called low-level light therapy (LLLT), has been the mainstream light therapy since the invention of lasers. Many laboratory reports on the therapeutic effects such as wound healing and pain relief of LLLT and on the underlying biomedical mechanisms of LLLT have been written. But LLLT has also some limitations for personal or home use because of the complicated clinical setting, restrictions in wavelengths, and a limited area for light application. The narrow focal beam of lasers can be harmful for the eye and damage the tissue in our body.

La ceinture s’attache de manière facile et confortable, il suffit d’ouvrir les deux extrémités et d’attacher à votre ceinture. Vous pouvez l’utiliser tout en marchant ou en pratiquant toute autre activité de plein air. Il est recommandé de faire 1 à 2 séances par jour pendant 30 minutes.

LUMIDIET - Taille M- Couleur noire
LUMIDIET - Taille M- Couleur noire
183,24 C$